Cyberprzemoc i niepełnosprawność jako ograniczenia wdrażania rozwoju zrównoważonego

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Violetta Korporowicz


The aim of sustainable development is to take into an account such an economic development, which simultaneously addresses into the problem of improving the environment in strategies which will lead to the higher standard of life. Hence the question of intergenerational justice,in which it is essential that future generations have an equal, in relation to the contemporary, access to natural resources and equal opportunities for the development of the life standard. However, implementation of such sustainable development might be limited by the negative phenomena of the social support. These are e.g. cyberbullying and disability. Cyberbullying is a way of force with the use of mass-media - primarily the Internet and mobile phones. Disability is an another social phenomenon having negative implications for the implementation of sustainable development. It is true that in Poland the number of people with disabilities is consistently declining, but it still applies to thousands of people with reduced efficiency of operations in numerous areas of life, and therefore requires a special approach in everyday life and in education and the labor market.


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Korporowicz, V. (2011). Cyberprzemoc i niepełnosprawność jako ograniczenia wdrażania rozwoju zrównoważonego. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (2), 169–187.


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