Wpływ pomarańczowej rewolucji na ukraiński system polityczny 

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Krzysztof Kozłowski


The article presents an analysis of the Orange Revolution and its influence on the political system of Ukraine. Generally, the events of 2004 are perceived as a democratic breakthrough in the modern political history of this country. In reality it turned out to be a revolution only by name. Behind a democratic façade the socalled revolution turned into an act of disobedience of disappointed clannish and oligarchic structures to the former president, Leonid Kuchma. The international observers had an impression, that Ukrainian events were a continuation of the democratization processes started by the fall of the Soviet Union. The article seeks answers to the questions concerning the true nature of the events of 2004 in Kiev, how were they influenced by the post-soviet experiences of the Ukrainian state and society, and finally was the Orange Revolution truly a step toward democratization of the post-soviet space?


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Kozłowski, K. (2011). Wpływ pomarańczowej rewolucji na ukraiński system polityczny . Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (2), 211–227. https://doi.org/10.33119/KKESSiP.2011.2.9


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