Rola banków i sektora FinTech w świetle implementacji dyrektywy PSD2 ​

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Jacek Grzywacz
Ewa Jagodzińska-Komar


The aim of the article is to define the prospects for the development of cooperation between the banking sector and FinTech in the context of the implementation of the PSD2 directive. First, attention was drawn to the changing role of banks that have already taken actions to use the opportunities related to the implementation of this EU regulation of the European payments market. It has been pointed out that the opening of the banking system will result in close cooperation with the FinTech sector, so-called API economics, and this will affect the emergence of new business models. Next, new solutions developed in the PSD2 Directive were presented, with reference to new regulatory technical standards between the banking sector and third parties. The last issue raised in the article concerns cooperation between banks and the FinTech sector. Financial institutions should use innovative solutions offered by fintechs and thanks to that they will increase operational efficiency and create products and services better suited to clients' needs. In the next years, it will be possible to observe how the financial services market will change and which entities will play a significant role in it.


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How to Cite
Grzywacz, J., & Jagodzińska-Komar, E. (2018). Rola banków i sektora FinTech w świetle implementacji dyrektywy PSD2 ​. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (2), 159–169.


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