Ubóstwo i wykluczenie społeczne dzieci w Hiszpanii

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Anna Romiszewska


For many years Spain has been one of the EU countries with the highest child poverty risk rates. Since the beginning of 1990s child monetary poverty rate has remained at the level of 24–25 per cent, thus being higher than for the overall population. Although Spain recorded high economic growth in years 2002–2007, the lack of changes in social policy towards children and families prevented any improvements in the situation. The ongoing economic crisis has worsened the poverty indicators for children comparing to other age groups and has progressed the process of deterioration of the situation of families with children, especially single-parent families. This article aims to present the ways of measuring the child poverty and social exclusion in Spain, taking into account methodological problems and complexity, and showing the need for multidimensional approach. Features characteristic of child poverty and social exclusion in Spain in comparison with other EU countries i.e. high chronic poverty as well as recurrent and long-term transitory poverty are highlighted. Special attention was paid to children from immigrant background, who were found to be more vulnerable.


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Romiszewska, A. (2012). Ubóstwo i wykluczenie społeczne dzieci w Hiszpanii. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (1), 285–303. https://doi.org/10.33119/KKESSiP.2012.1.10


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