Financial results of Orbis S. A. and changes in the incoming tourist traffic to Poland in 2000–2017

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Katarzyna Podhorodecka
Ewa Bąk-Filipek


In recent years the Orbis S. A. company has made a significant expansion in the hotel market in Poland and in Europe. Not only has it strengthened its position in the market, but it has also gained many foreign clients. The purpose of this article was to find an answer to the question if there is a relationship between the financial results of Orbis S. A. and changes in the incoming tourist traffic to Poland. The detailed purpose of the article was to check whether the dynamics of changes in tourist movement influence the profits from the shares of the Orbis S. A. company and what is the time horizon of this relation. The hypothesis was that there is a strong relationship between the profits recorded per 1 share of Orbis S. A. and the dynamics of changes in tourist movement. It was assumed that the relationship should be recorded in the next quarter of a given year.


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How to Cite
Podhorodecka , K. ., & Bąk-Filipek , E. . (2019). Financial results of Orbis S. A. and changes in the incoming tourist traffic to Poland in 2000–2017. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (2(38), 93–106. Retrieved from


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