Integracja rynków finansowych w Unii Europejskiej

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Eliza Maria Kierska-Woźny


The integration of financial markets is one of the stages of economic integration. The trends for the integration of financial markets is observed both on a global scale, as well as its various regions. The integration of financial markets may occurs as a result of actions by the authorities, but also by the international free market processes – globalization. Speaking about the integration of EU financial markets, we mean creating opportunities for free movement of capital and financial services in the EU and the single currency. As a result of increase in the financial integration process in Europe the value of the flow of capital between countries has significantly increased. With the progress of economic integration in the EU, the EU as a whole has become a stronger business partner and was able to invest more beyond its borders, as well as more investments flowed from the third countries. The integration of financial markets through greater development of the financial markets is leading to faster economic growth. It can bring many benefits, but also risks. Benefits should be seen in the possibility to boost the GDP growth, the risks in the existence of increasingly stronger links between national markets and intermediaries acting on that markets. A particularly important issue is the contagion effect. Additionally, in case of institutional mismatches on the side of economic policy, financial integration can also have negative effects on the economy, such as greater probability of financial crisis and economic recession, because the price for increased integration of financial markets is an increase in the risk of financial crises. Economic growth stimulated by the development of financial markets should be accompanied by proper regulation of markets to prevent future crisis. However, it must be also remembered that the growth of the institutions may limit the development of markets.


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Kierska-Woźny, E. M. (2012). Integracja rynków finansowych w Unii Europejskiej. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (4), 185–210.


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