Instytucjonalizacja powiązań między Unią Europejską i państwami trzecimi a spójność

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Katarzyna Żukrowska


Institutionalization of contacts between EU member stats and third countries influences structural changes in cooperating states, such as convergence of less developed economies to the level of the more developed ones and increase of efficiency of developed economies. All in all the overall level of welfare increases. The following paper defines cohesion and institutionalization and explains how those two processes are interlinked and what is their effect on economic growth dynamics and on diminishing of growth gap. Attention is drawn to the dynamic character of contacts between EU and it’s neighbors which translates into access to the EU market. Convergence is not limited to transfer of funds, materiel, expertise and know-how. EU acts also as a manager and controller of those processes. However the scope and dynamics of changes are limited in accordance with the political will of third parties. The process of convergence is beneficiary to all sides as their economies expand.


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Żukrowska, K. (2013). Instytucjonalizacja powiązań między Unią Europejską i państwami trzecimi a spójność. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (2), 109–130.


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