Miejsce ChRL w międzynarodowej polityce energetycznej
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Rapid growth of China’s demand for fuels, especially oil, caused by dynamic economic growth of the PRC, is one of the sources of fundamental changes in international energy policy and in international relations as such. The rate of growth of China’s demand for fuels combined with similar trends in other developing countries will influence the level of global prices of these fuels. It can also become the source of political crisis’ in international race to secure access to them. A question arises: what are the possible consequences of Chinese energy policy for international environment, particularly in the oil sector? Analysis of China’s energy profi le and the directions of expansion caused by it, leads to a conclusion that PRC does not express tendencies to participate in conflicts. The possibilities of conflicts are more likely to arise due to actions of China’s potential enemies among developed countries that may perceive the growth of PRC international standing as a danger to their own position or to position of other developing states whose demand for fuels increases as fast as China’s.
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