Kobiety na szwedzkim rynku pracy - uwarunkowania wysokiej aktywności zawodowej i wyzwania na przyszłość

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Hanna Kądziela


For many years Sweden remained a world leader in the employment of women, regardless of their age and responsibilities associated with raising children or caring for the elderly. This article analyses three groups of factors that influence the effectiveness of the Swedish policy in this regard: 1) strategic, i.e. the consistent and coherent policy on equal opportunities for women and men and the reconciliation of work and private life, 2) cultural attitudes and preferences that shape the behaviour of individuals in the family and on the labour market, and 3) institutional, particularly care of dependent persons. The picture would be incomplete, however, without looking at the problems remaining to be solved in such areas as high proportion of women in part-time work, the pay gap or insufficient interest of men in using parental leave.


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Kądziela, H. (2015). Kobiety na szwedzkim rynku pracy - uwarunkowania wysokiej aktywności zawodowej i wyzwania na przyszłość. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (1), 193–225. https://doi.org/10.33119/KKESSiP.2015.1.9


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