Międzynarodowa konkurencyjność sieci popytu - innowacje poprzez cloud computing

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Katarzyna Nowicka


In today's economy supply chains are frequently transforming into international demand networks. Cloud computing is the answer to the main challenges posed by creation and management of flexible and adaptive global demand networks. Cloud computing is a tool that forms a link between technology and business, and thus innovatively improves competitiveness of international supply chains while supporting development of individual economic entities regardless of their size and scale of activities. Cloud computing is the basis for the development of the economy of sharing, mass customization, social networks, systems infrastructure and communications of individual companies and those of international supply chains. The article presents the possibilities of using cloud computing in supporting development of innovation in management of international demand networks. The article elaborates on whether cloud computing is an innovation, or rather just a tool to introduce innovations and what is the extent of the impact of its use on the level of innovation in international demand networks


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Nowicka, K. (2017). Międzynarodowa konkurencyjność sieci popytu - innowacje poprzez cloud computing. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (4), 135–150. https://doi.org/10.33119/KKESSiP.2017.4.7


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