Impact of tumultuous economic periods on investments made by joint-stock companies included in the WIG-ESG index

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Aneta Ejsmont
Jacek Grzywacz


The aim of the article is to assess the role of ESG assumptions in dealing with complex crises that are both economic and financial in nature. The research problem is excessive fluctuations in the quotations of the WIG-ESG index, which includes listed companies characterized by adherence to the principles of socially responsible business. An attempt will be made to verify the research hypothesis, which assumes a positive impact of selected stock market indicators on the stabilization of quotations of the analyzed index. The research method will be the estimation of an econometric model built from dependent variable Y describing changes in the quotations of the WIG-ESG index and six independent variables describing selected stock market indicators exerting a greater or lesser influence on the changes in the quotations included in the monthly time interval in the research period January 2014–November 2023. It is concluded that the relationship between stock market capitalization and the value of equity estimated at the end of the last quarter is the basis for stabilizing the quotations of the index.


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How to Cite
Ejsmont, A., & Grzywacz, J. (2024). Impact of tumultuous economic periods on investments made by joint-stock companies included in the WIG-ESG index. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (50).


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