The Role of the Polish Private Equity Sector in the CEE Region

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Jacek Grzywacz
Ewa Jagodzińska-Komar


The aim of the article is to analyse the position of the Polish private equity sector as a leading player in the CEE region and to assess the impact of these funds on economic development. It has been pointed out that the fund sector is operating in an increasingly unpredictable environment (which could be seen during the financial crisis) and operates based on demanding regulations and growing risk. The paper presents the role of private equity funds in the CEE region, which by 2004 had seen a noticeably faster growth than in Western Europe, due to the transition to a market economy. The Polish private equity market in the CEE region was further analysed, which as the largest economy in the CEE region is a very attractive place for investors. The conclusions and directions of the role of private equity funds were presented, and it was emphasised that Poland and the whole CEE region are at an early stage of their market development, but their distance to Western Europe decreases from year to year. Currently, the CEE private equity market in the most developed countries offers great opportunities to its investors thanks to high competition, high growth potential and comprehensive solutions.


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How to Cite
Grzywacz, J., & Jagodzińska-Komar, E. (2019). The Role of the Polish Private Equity Sector in the CEE Region. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (29), 131–142.


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