Creativity in the Aspect of Composition of Business Models of Manufacturers from the Agricultural Machines Sector: An Attempt to Assess the Significance of the Requirements

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Bogdan Nogalski
Przemysław Niewiadomski
Agnieszka Szpitter


“We tell people that if nobody has mocked even one thought of theirs, this means that they are not creative enough”

As a consequence of broad recognition of creativity as an element related to the development of business models under the conditions of a variable environment that is difficult to forecast, it has been appreciated by management sciences. In the context of the above, research was commenced in order to attempt to provide an answer to the question: is the scope and type of business models implemented by manufacturers a derivative of the creativity level assimilated by them?
In connection with the above, it was necessary to:

  • from the theoretical perspective – using the method of reconstruction and interpretation of the Polish and foreign literature on the subject – present creativity as a factor contributing dynamics to the development of business models;

  • from the design perspective – determine which business models are adopted by micro, small and medium-sized production enterprises operating in the Polish farm machines sector;

  • from the empirical perspective – establish to what extent implementation of the mentioned business models is determined by creativity desired by manufacturers.

This publication has been created as an effect of the authors’ thoughts and searches; first of all, their practical experience and activity in management practice.



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How to Cite
Nogalski, B., Niewiadomski, P., & Szpitter, A. (2019). Creativity in the Aspect of Composition of Business Models of Manufacturers from the Agricultural Machines Sector: An Attempt to Assess the Significance of the Requirements. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (31), 9–26.


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