Dear Reader,
We present to you the 53rd edition of the ”Journal of Management and Financial Sciences”. We hope that its content will make a valid contribution to the development of economic thought and contribute to a deeper understanding of complex issues discussed in it.
In the first paper Klaudia Martinek-Jaguszewska focused on carbon footprint reporting, indicating the role and importance of purpose-built reporting software in this process. The framework carbon footprint reporting process (F-CF-RP) was proposed based on a literature
review, with the aim of providing guidance and indicating the steps required for proper CF reporting.
The aim of the next paper by Olga Ławińska and Anna Korombel was to identify and assess the motives for building relationships between Generation Z customers and businesses via YouTube in Poland and Great Britain. The study of these motives is part of the broader research conducted by the authors among students in Poland and Great Britain in 2023.
The objective of the paper by Bartosz Deszczyński is to demonstrate the existence of a universal business model supporting the achievement of sustainable development goals, regardless of industry and company origin. This is a novel approach, since most authors concentrate on seeking purely innovative models or projects operating within a single industry.
Katarzyna Łazorko in her research contributes to the discussion on alumni management in Poland. The topic is marginally explored in Polish scientific literature and the perspective of other countries enables application due to specific characteristics. The discussion in the paper is adjusted to conditions specific to Poland and is focused on organizations of a certain type.
The aim of the next article by Marlena Smuda-Kocoń is to identify the determinants of risk in the activities of financial institutions, resulting from the green transition, and to diagnose to what extent the new conditions may exert a modifying effect on the existing constellation of traditional risks in banks.
Alejandro Guzmán-Rivera, M. A. Kaśmir Ciechanowski and Dariusz Jemielniak investigate the evolving discourse on the Circular Economy (CE) on Twitter from 2015 to 2022. Leveraging sentiment analysis and keyword frequency tracking, the authors analyzed 513,709 tweets containing the hashtag #CircularEconomy. The study identifies prominent keywords, including “sustainability,” “recycling,” and “innovation,” and tracks their frequency over the years.
We hope that the next issue of JMFS Collegium of Management and Finance will be interesting reading for both academics and practitioners of economic life.
We wish you pleasant reading.
Joanna Wielgórska-Leszczyńska
Chairman of the Scientific Council and Dean of the Faculty
Michał Matusewicz,
Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Council and Vice-Dean of the Faculty
Opublikowane: 2025-01-15