Role of Virtual Platform Operators in Transforming Consumer Goods Market

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Wojciech Paprocki


Consumer goods market has evolved in recent four decades together with the dissemina- tion of digital technologies and development of e-commerce. Practices based on human intelligence that solidified over ages are nowadays being supplemented in omni-channels with automated operations supported with artificial intelligence. The emergence of actors, who by applying disruptive innovations try to assume the role of operators of virtual plat- forms with dominant position in the global market is of primary importance. The paper discusses various business models in analogue and digital economies and the impact of their dissemination on market changes. It describes the entering of the market and fostering the position of e-commerce leaders, with playing an increasingly prominent role. The Author highlights potential effects of a dominant market position of such an operator.


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Jak cytować
Paprocki, W. (2019). Role of Virtual Platform Operators in Transforming Consumer Goods Market. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (27), 25–37.


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