Information and Statistical Efforts of Selected Safety Network Institutions in the Area of Financial System Stability

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Piotr Komorowski
Dariusz Filip


Financial system stability is considered a public good. The main role of the financial safety network is to stabilise the system. Information and statistical activities of institutions which belong to the safety network are the tools which may improve the stability. We need to stress that most decisions are based on information, in particular decisions on investment or speculation, hence by providing information and statistical data these institutions indirectly enhance the overall stability of the system. An overview and analysis of selected studies addressing financial system stability helped the authors draw theoret- ical and practical conclusions as to the stability itself and the impact of information and statistics upon its improvement.


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Jak cytować
Komorowski, P., & Filip, D. (2019). Information and Statistical Efforts of Selected Safety Network Institutions in the Area of Financial System Stability. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (29), 143–157.


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