Why career sponsorship matters for advancing women

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Jovina Ang


Sponsorship is the solution to solving this persistent gender problem of too few senior women leaders - a problem that has been "plaguing" both the private and public sectors in Poland, Singapore and the vast majority of countries across the world for decades. My research, which comprised of an autoethnography, a case study research and an online study showed that sponsorship is effective in driving an upward career trajectory by at least one to two levels on the organisational hierarchy. As career sponsorship is still a relatively new phenomenon, the goal of this paper is to define and give an overview of sponsorship so that more people, especially women, can benefit from it.(fragment of text)

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How to Cite
Ang, J. (2018). Why career sponsorship matters for advancing women. Women and Business, (1-4), 11–18, 36. https://doi.org/10.33119/KiB.2018.1-4.2


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