Women in the labour market in Poland and USA in the context of Mincer's substitution effect

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Anna Górska


The aim of the paper is to investigate the phenomenon of substitution effect in the context of female participation in the labour market. The substitution effect of married women was described by J. Mincer in the 1960s, who found the positive correlation between real wages rates of females and their labour force participation. Are the mechanisms found by Mincer still due and describe the new market reality? The author is aware of the ongoing criticism of the above perspective by the feminist economists that are ongoing since the 1980s. The main critique of the orthodox approach of neoclassical economists was a narrow view of the situation of women and not considering social and cultural aspects within their work. Whereas, whether the substitution effect is a precise theory to describe the situation of women in the labour market is outside the scope of the following work. It intends to answer whether the substitution effect can still be found on the market, rather than discusses the reasons behind the situation.(fragment of text)

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How to Cite
Górska, A. (2018). Women in the labour market in Poland and USA in the context of Mincer’s substitution effect. Women and Business, (1-4), 19–27, 44. https://doi.org/10.33119/KiB.2018.1-4.3


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