Opinions of women scientists regarding gender-related differences in the scientist's profession

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Dorota Jedlikowska


This paper is an attempt to portray the academic community from the perspective of gender, indicating differences between women and men. The conclusions included in the paper are derived from problems that emerged during in-depth interviews. The objective is to present research material gathered through interviews with women scientists managing tertiary schools in Cracow during 2008- 2012. The research focused on problems regarding family and work, defi ning scientifi c and administrative careers, and perception of socio-cultural barriers from the perspective of the subjective experiences of women.

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How to Cite
Jedlikowska, D. (2014). Opinions of women scientists regarding gender-related differences in the scientist’s profession. Women and Business, (1-4), 14–24, 47. https://doi.org/10.33119/KiB.2014.1-4.2


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