Apperception of flexibility in organizational behavior research

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Katarzyna Januszkiewicz


The aim of the article is to describe the relationship between cognitive and behavioral aspects of the flexibility of the organizational behavior of employees. In the epistemological layer, while looking for the relationship between experience and self-assessment of the individual, reference was made to the concept of apperception as a process in which the boundaries of individual events are blurred, and self is constantly being formed again. In the empirical layer, the considerations were narrowed down to the analysis of the studied relationship in the context of flexible behaviors. In the course of empirical analyses it was shown that there is a statistically significant relationship between the self-assessment of flexibility and the frequency of occurrence of a given behavior. In addition, the level of self-assessment in selected areas is related to some characteristics of the respondents (occupied position, employment sector, age). The research was carried out on a randomly selected sample of 322 employees.

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How to Cite
Januszkiewicz, K. (2019). Apperception of flexibility in organizational behavior research. Organization and Management, (3 (186), 73–87. Retrieved from


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