Entrepreneurial Mobility – Concept, Dimensions, Meaning

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Izabela Bednarska-Wnuk


Searching for factors that are strategically important for the organization and maintaining a competitive advantage means that organizations are looking for such factors that will allow them to cross their borders. One of them is entrepreneurial mobility. Therefore, the aim of this article is to identify the conceptualization of the essence of the notion of entrepreneurial mobility, to determine its dimensions and to show the relationship with strategic entrepreneurship, the theory of resources and the theory of entrepreneurial behavior. The obtained conclusions allow to state that entrepreneurial mobility undertaken by enterprises may also be, thanks to possessed resources, competencies and the use of opportunities in the environment an essential moderating factor in maintaining and/or achieving a competitive advantage. The study has a theoretical character and was based on the analysis of literature using the method of analysis and criticism of the literature.

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How to Cite
Bednarska-Wnuk, I. (2019). Entrepreneurial Mobility – Concept, Dimensions, Meaning. Organization and Management, (4 (187), 43–53. Retrieved from https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/OiK/article/view/1473


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