Occupational Tasks And Wage Inequality. Case Of Municipal Company In Poland

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Marek Jabłoński


Given the rapid advances and the increased reliance on the modern technologies in social and economic processes, the question of how it is changing work and wage inequality is highly interesting for scholars of labor market, economic progress and organization. This article attempts to investigate occupational tasks and wage inequality over last decade in the one of municipal companies in Poland. In particular, the conducted study, based on the data from the years 2009 and 2018, aimed to identify the change of share of particular types of jobs according to the adopted classification and to analyze individual pay scales from the perspective of the identified types of positions. The research procedures were based on document analysis, structured interviews, team work methods, and classification technique. The results indicate a decrease in the share of routine in favor of non-routine jobs. Moreover, wage inequality rises more visibly in non-routine jobs, especially non-routine cognitive in all types of company’s activity (i.e., operational, supporting and managerial). Paper corresponds with the issues of job polarization on firm-level that is more or less absent in the empirical literature. Moreover, the substantial part of literature of the subject has not taken into account municipal enterprises in this process yet.

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How to Cite
Jabłoński, M. (2019). Occupational Tasks And Wage Inequality. Case Of Municipal Company In Poland. Organization and Management, (4 (187), 55–70. Retrieved from https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/OiK/article/view/1474


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