Key Aspects of Theatre Management: Literature Review
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Theatre in management and quality studies is presented in various ways. On the one hand, it is classified as a public institution, in particular as a cultural institution. On the other hand, within the perspective of arts management, theaters are recognized as art institutions or performing arts institutions. This multiplicity of approaches and research perspectives aims to capture both the general resources typical of all organizations and those that are artistic, aesthetic, and emotional.
Nevertheless, theatre is poorly grounded in management science, and theatre management itself is at an early stage of development. That’s why, the aim of this article was to answer the following research question: what are the key aspects of theatre management in the light of management science literature? To achieve this objective, a systematic literature review methodology was used.
Systemic literature review, including content analysis, identified key aspects of theatre management, such as the business model, strategy and development, the impact of the institutional environment on theatre operations, the importance of stakeholders, effectiveness and appraisal management, and leadership and human resource management. This study provides both theoretical and practical contributions. to the study proposes systematizing the research field, which can improve future research planning. Additionally, the finding may benefit future and current theatre directors, organizers within these institutions, and advisory and consultative bodies.
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