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Izabela Bednarska-Wnuk


As a result of the changes brought about by COWID-19, not only the model of work has changed, but also the idea of it. In the initial phase, most employees were forced to work exclusively from home. This solution quickly gained popularity over time and many organizations, incorporated it into their so-called hybrid work model. Since today the ability to retain employees through work engagement is now becoming a major strategic issue, it seems important to know the level and structure of work engagement taking into account theform of work performance (remote vs. hybrid) and its verification in the context of employees’ intention to quit the organization. The characteristics of the forms of commitment from the work performed were examined among 402 employees using the tool -UWES-17. The results indicate that employees who have a high level of commitment are characterized by a low level of intention to quit the organization. The form of work performed does not differentiate work commitment in general, differences were noticed in two dimensions of work commitment – vigor and work absorption. The study presented here is an attempt to fill the research gap on individual factors related to hybrid and remote work.

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How to Cite
Bednarska-Wnuk, I. (2023). HYBRID OR REMOTE? THE IMPORTANCE OF WORK FORM IN SHAPING ENGAGEMENT TO WORK IN A POST-PANDEMIC REALITY. Organization and Management, 194(3), 191–208. Retrieved from https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/OiK/article/view/4638


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