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Katarzyna Januszkiewicz
Magdalena Łużniak-Piecha
Justyna Sarnowska-Wilczyńska
Justyna Wiktorowicz


Organizational flexibility is one of the factors named among the elements necessary for building market advantage. Although research on this topic is already quite firmly established in the field of organizational studies, never before 2020 have we had the opportunity to observe the effects of a kind of forced flexibility as clearly as during the COVID-19 pandemic. These experiences show that the proper design of organizational solutions requires learning from the time of the pandemic and looking at what consequences the change brings. The aim of this paper is to describe the consequences for different work modes (stationary, remote, hybrid) and to clarify the relationship between work mode and the type of consequences experienced by employees. The paper presents the results of a self-reported study based on a sequential exploratory strategy, which showed that within the different work modes, the characteristics of consequences vary and that the consequences experienced by employees differ according to the work mode. On the other hand, it was not possible to clearly identify which consequences were mode-specific, which became the rationale for describing them in terms of non-specific consequences.

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How to Cite
Januszkiewicz, K., Łużniak-Piecha, M., Sarnowska-Wilczyńska, J., & Wiktorowicz, J. (2023). TOWARDS MATURE FLEXIBILITY – ORGANIZATIONAL CONSEQUENCES OF CHANGING WORK PATTERNS. Organization and Management, 194(3), 227–242. Retrieved from


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