Gamification in the field of education, culture and tourism - cases from Bulgaria - Research Paper


  • Neviana Krasteva International Business School
  • Dessislava Alexova International Business School


gamification, interdisciplinary education, educational models, traveling universities, intercultural exchange


The aim of the study is to examine some important practical applied aspects of gamification in the field of education, culture and tourism. The game elements and techniques of gamification are presented, as well as the non game cases in which it can also be applied were explored in the study. The main differences between gamification and traditional educational models are discussed. Practical examples from Bulgaria of gamification in the fields of culture, tourism and education have been researched and analyzed. The main characteristics and advantages of the application of gamification in education are clarified. The thesis that gamification occupies more and more space in education is proven and the main changes to which its application will lead are indicated.


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How to Cite

Krasteva, N., & Alexova, D. (2023). Gamification in the field of education, culture and tourism - cases from Bulgaria - Research Paper. Tourism - Management, Administration, Law, (1), 19–28. Retrieved from