Państwo a społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu

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Ewa Jastrzębska


One of the ways to eliminate the negative consequences of globalization is the sustainable growth paradigm, which practical approach to business activity is constituted by the concept of the corporate social responsibility (CSR). The corporate social responsibility is a process of getting to know and to implement the changing stakeholder expectations in the management strategy. It also involves monitoring the influence of such strategy on competitiveness and company value on the market. Since CSR is a voluntary commitment of businesses, "in the end people have such government and such economy that they want and - in a way - that they deserve". This is why what is extremely important when implementing CSR, apart from the commitment of businesses themselves, is for one thing the role of the society which pushes companies to act responsibly, and for another - the state which creates a proper social, economic and political order. All of the above encourage to the reflection on the model of economic order and on the system of social values, which should be compliant with the human nature as well as ensure economic equilibrium. The concept of CSR is based on the assumption that a synthesis of freedom and responsibility of business activities on the market with social fairness is possible. The CSR aims to create capitalism with a "human face" in which the market and competition would be a tool to achieve important social goals: freedom for individuals, well-being for all, solidarity towards the society, subsidiarity, equal opportunities and eliminating the effect of social exclusion of individuals. It is mainly for this reason that the concept of CSR appears to adequately correspond to the current demand for a long-term crisis therapy and for prevention of similar crisis in the future. The highest deficits of international financial markets, as well as the world's real economy, were and are still to be found nowhere else but in the rules of the game and in freedom of responsibility. Business entities, which are active on the market should therefore obey the generally accepted rules of business activity. According to P. Samuelson, capitalism needs rules of the game; it must have a trustworthy legal system. The lack of norms triggers people's irrepressible desire for wealth, also - or maybe even mostly - at the expense of others. In market economy the freedom of individual enterprisers implies taking responsibility. For freedom and responsibility these are two sides of the same coin. When an individual is not responsible for the freedom it has, then the economic order cannot function e+ectively either from the economic or social perspective. The debate on the economic order and policy of its creation was previously not as crucial as it is today. This is not only linked to the dificult challenges the modern economy and world currently face, but also to the world financial crisis, which started in 2007 in the USA and which effects on real economy became more and more visible at the turn of 2008 and 2009. For what caused the current world crisis in the first place was a lack of generally accepted rules of the game on international financial markets, or in the rare cases where these rules exist - clear reluctance to obey them, together with lack of responsibility for the almost unlimited freedom of decision-makers. Such deliberations become especially important in discussion regarding the twilight or even the collapse of nation states; discussion which has lasted for almost half a century and which has become especially vivid after the Cold War as a result of higher intensity of globalization processes. Globalization significantly affects the functioning of the state on its internal and external surface, its relations with other countries on the international arena. In the face of increasing civilization problems of the modern world arises the question about the meaning, role and duties of the state in the process of building the new order in conformity with the concept of the sustainable growth. The study tries to define the role of the state in implementing CSR concepts. (original abstract)


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Jastrzębska, E. (2011). Państwo a społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (2), 14–45.


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