Wizerunek kobiety dojrzałej w reklamie prasowej kosmetyków

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Anna Kozłowska


The paper shows the world of the elderly through the eyes of the creators' advertising messages. The author assumes that advertising leads to the formation, strengthen and reinforce the stereotypical thinking about social groups and roles. Advertising as mass communication at the moment is treated as an extension of the socialization process, aligning and strengthening the existing cultural patterns. The results of qualitative researches go beyond the current approach to the image of older people in advertising. Exploratory analysis were subjected to advertising messages, in which the woman's age has been an important promotional message. It is assumed that the age is a matter of particular importance from the point of view of shaping the identity of the conteporary woman. It's important that image of elderly people in advertising is associated not only with its perception by the individual, but also by others. Advertising has great interest and willingness to reflect on the natural process of human aging. This mass message displays, which is characteristic of a particular sex, as falls do in a given age, as one should look at the situation. Characteristics and behaviors ascribed to a particular sex or age, in@uence, either positive or negative response to a person, both by themselves and by the others. Certain image of the elderly has an impact on our level of optimism, mood and actions of people of all ages.


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Kozłowska, A. (2011). Wizerunek kobiety dojrzałej w reklamie prasowej kosmetyków. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (2), 189–210. https://doi.org/10.33119/KKESSiP.2011.2.8


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