Current Revenue (Monetisation) Models of Video Gamę Developers

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Patrycja Klimas


This paper aims at exploration of revenue models and recognition of revenue streams currently exploited by video gamę developers. The fact that the monetisation models are fast
changing and expanding in business practice, but fragmentary researched in management science makes them worth consideration. Therefore, different revenue models have been
identified and discussed in the light of the results of desk (literaturę and industry reports review supported by analysis of evidence from global business practice) and field research
(semi-structured interviews with Polish video gamę developers). Using triangulated data it was possible to identify: (1) four revenue models aimed at selling paid games: paid gamę for
order, premium, paid mobile, and subscription; (2) one revenue model aimed at selling free games: freemium; and (3) one revenue model aimed at selling intellectual property rights:
licensing. In a morę detailed perspective, six different revenue models and nine different revenue streams exploited under these revenue models have been revealed and discussed.
The main contribution of the article is the recognition of a wide portfolio of revenue streams and revenue models possible to consider by video gamę developers during decision making
process on the structure of their revenue logie. Additional, theoretical and managerial implications are as follows: development of generał framework of the revenue logie being
integral part of business models, Identification of currently used revenue models by video gamę developers which have been overlooked in prior literaturę (e.g. selling customised games for order or licensing parts of gamę content or gamę components).


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Jak cytować
Klimas, P. (2019). Current Revenue (Monetisation) Models of Video Gamę Developers. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (28), 119–136.


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