Diversity managament as a business model

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Halina Brdulak


Managing diversity writes well in the search for new, more effective tools for coping with the environment uncertainty. However, effective utilisation of this model requires much better then hitherto skills from the leaders. It is possible, that the competences allowing releasing the synergy of diversity will become the key competences of the next post-capitalism era. However, the main tissue that allows realization of this strategy remains social capital. Contrary to what might be considered as logical, a rapid drop in social capital follows in the wake of economic crisis. Reconstruction of trust and relationships during the period of better economic situation will require specifi c skills from the leaders, both in enterprises, as well as in states. Referring to the often-discussed problem: whether the leadership has gender, the Author does believe that most effective are mixed teams with equal representation of both genders. Personally, the Author's feels close to the vision of organic leadership, within the framework of which decision is made searching for the solution regarding different opinions - even very contradictory ones. This is the way to create organisms characterized with high adaptive abilities, which actually is the core of management in the changeable conditions.(author's abstract)

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How to Cite
Brdulak, H. (2009). Diversity managament as a business model. Women and Business, (1-4), 1–7, 29. https://doi.org/10.33119/KiB.2009.1-4.1


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