Technological Maturity As An Imitation Strategy Basis – Recognition Among Manufacturers Of The Agricultural Machinery Sector

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Bogdan Nogalski
Przemysław Niewiadomski


The fundamental objective of this publication is to assess the level of technological maturity that implies the implementation of an imitation strategy. The studies were carried out among manufacturers operating in the agricultural machinery sector. In reference to such an outlined purpose, as a necessary activity, it was recommended: at the theoretical level – using the methods of reconstruction and literature interpretation – to nominate the questions giving opinions on the technological maturity level in the sphere of the effective imitation strategy implementation; at the design level – to compile a research tool in the form of an assessment sheet resulting from the literature exploration and assessment among deliberately chosen experts; and at the empirical level – to recognize the technological maturity level among manufacturers of the agricultural machinery sector (self-assessment). In order to carry out the studies, the authors use a method of literature studies, expertise, a creative discussion, participant observation as well as providing opinions with the use of a self-assessment questionnaire. It seems that the complexity of problems and small, so far, scientific recognition justify treating these issues as the research subject. Additional confirmation of the need to undertake research also results from the fact that on the publishing market there is a shortage of scientific studies on the organization maturity, especially, in relation to – used by machinery construction companies – technologies.

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How to Cite
Nogalski, B., & Niewiadomski, P. (2019). Technological Maturity As An Imitation Strategy Basis – Recognition Among Manufacturers Of The Agricultural Machinery Sector. Organization and Management, (4 (187), 9–30. Retrieved from


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