Benefits And Threats Of Accounting Processes Automation

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Marek Jabłoński
Bernard Ziębicki


Automation of accounting processes is a new, dynamically developing phenomenon in the area of services in the scope of financial services for businesses. This solution involves a number of business benefits, but also creates certain hazards. It also requires adjustment of the IT system, associated with the accounting process. The purpose of the article is to present the essence of such solutions, their benefits and hazards involved, in the light of research conducted so far. The main research method used in the article was the analysis of secondary sources in the form of research reports of consulting companies, such as Deloite, Ernst & Young, KPMG, McKinsey, which monitor the development of the discussed phenomenon. The analysis covered, among others, such reports, as: “Global Shared Services 2017”; “The robots are coming”, “Rise of the robots”, “A Future that works: automation, employment and productivity”. Results of the surveys with employees of Cracow’s shared services centers were also used in the article.

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How to Cite
Jabłoński, M., & Ziębicki, B. (2019). Benefits And Threats Of Accounting Processes Automation . Organization and Management, (4 (187), 31–42. Retrieved from


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