Public policy on microfinance sector – current state and future developments

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Agnieszka Alińska
Izabela Czepirska


Changes resulting from the financial crisis have contributed to the development of alternative form of financing, including microfinance which is considered a financial system sector. In order to fully realize its potential, reduce risks inherent to microfinance institutions. as well as to strengthen its market capabilities, it is necessary to take comprehensive measures aimed at devising and implementing public policy on microfinance. The objective of the article is to examine conditions determining the development of the microfinance sector as an element of sectoral policy targeted at meeting financial, economic and social needs. The authors analyze steps necessary for the microfinance sector’s full potential realization and its development. The background for considerations presented in the article is the sectoral public programme focused on microfinance institutions which has already been introduced or is under implementation in Poland.


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Alińska, A. ., & Czepirska, I. . (2018). Public policy on microfinance sector – current state and future developments. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (3 (35), 201–216. Retrieved from


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