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Communication and communication systems are topics widely discussed in the literature of the subject. However, the analysis of the specific subjects of this study as courts, is so far a subject that is rarely discussed in empirical research as well as in a debate at the level of communication theory. The paper presents the results of survey research on internal communication in district and regional courts in the context of trust building. The study assumes that there is a relationship between communication on a given project tasks, communication on project management and non‑formal communication, and confidence in the public institution and its management. The results of the research clearly showed the existing relationship between satisfaction coming from the proper communication, and the level of employee trust in the court as a place of work.

Słowa kluczowe

communication trust public organization court

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Austen, A. ., & Adamus‑Matuszyńska, . A. . (2017). Internal Communication in Courts: Toward Establishing Trust Based Relationships. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 46(4), 117–131.


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