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The article – which is based on the need theory proposed by McClelland and the author’s theoretical and empirical Personality and Axiological Model – deals with the research on two groups of professionally engaged individuals: outstanding Polish actors and managers in the area of services. The results obtained indicate a significant diversity of the groups in terms of personality traits and the hierarchy of values as well as the consistency of the image in the scope of significance of dimensions related to competence and autonomy. The sphere of motivation in both groups studied is remarkably similar as well. The results show that individuals who are effective and expect professional achievements, success and action, have a very strong and homogeneous internal motivation. In the case of people practising their profession in a creative manner in different disciplines, it is possible to single out not only the differences between them but also to determine the manner of social adaptations. The results obtained may be applied to activities aimed at professional development.

Słowa kluczowe

outstanding Polish actors managers management style personality hierarchy of values MOA

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Mróz, B. (2018). Art of Acting and Management Style. Results of Psychological Research on Personality and Hierarchy of Values of Outstanding Polish Actors and Managers in the Area of Services. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 50(4), 145–158.


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