Treść głównego artykułu
The issue of interrelationships between education, employment and the level of income evaluation is a cross-cutting nature, where the economic, social, political and legal levels are intertwined. Its broader context predicts its thematic coverage. The article presents preliminary results of the mutual relationship between acquired skills and the level of education achieved and the ability of the individual to become involved in the labor market. The aim of the article is to determine, using statistical and analytical methods, the correlation between the employment rate and the level of education attained in the EU countries and within the territory of the Slovak Republic. On the basis of the initial analysis the authors aim to answer the question if university graduates achieve higher incomes than secondary-educated people. Eventually they try to propose solutions and measures that are necessary for increasing the level and value of human capital, especially in the Slovak Republic.
Szczegóły artykułu
Autor (Autorzy) artykułu oświadcza, że przesłane opracowanie nie narusza praw autorskich osób trzecich. Wyraża zgodę na poddanie artykułu procedurze recenzji oraz dokonanie zmian redakcyjnych. Przenosi nieodpłatnie na Oficynę Wydawniczą SGH autorskie prawa majątkowe do utworu na polach eksploatacji wymienionych w art. 50 Ustawy z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych – pod warunkiem, że praca została zaakceptowana do publikacji i opublikowana.
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Osoby zainteresowane komercyjnym wykorzystaniem zawartości czasopisma proszone są o kontakt z Redakcją.
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Armstrong, M. (2007). Řízení lidských zdrojů:nejnovější trendy a postupy, 10. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2007, 789.
Armstrong, M., & Taylor, S. (2015). Řízení lidských zdrojů: moderní pojetí a postupy, 13. vydání. Překlad Martin Šikýř. Praha: Grada Publishing, 928.
Barro, R. (1996, August). Determinants of Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Empirical Study. Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 5698.
Bassanini, A., & Scarpetta, S. (2001). The Driving Forces of Economic Growth: Panel Data Evidencefor the OECD Countries. OECD Economic Studies, 33 (2), 9–56.
Becker, G. S. (1993). Human capital: a theoretical and empirical analysis, with special reference to education, 3 rd ed. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Bielik, P. (2007). Podnikové hospodárstvo, 1. vyd.. Nitra: SPU.
Blundell, R. et al. (1999): Human capital investment: The returns from education and training to the ndividual, the firm and the economy. Fiscal studies, 20, 1–23.
Danquah, M., & Amankwah-Amoah, J. (2004). Assessing the relationships between human capital, innovation and technology adoption: Evidence from sub -Saharan Africa. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier, 122 (C), 24–33.
Dobeš, M. (2000). Rate of return on investment in human capital. Individual and Society, 3 (4).
Dobeš, M. (2017a). Ľudský kapitál a výkonnosť ekonomiky. Retrieved from (10.01.2017).
Dobeš, M. (2017b). Ľudský kapitál a ekonomika. Retrieved from: BKUYXC+ (08.01.2017).
Galor, O., & Tsiddon, D. (1997, June). Technological Progress, Mobility, and Economic Growth. The American Economic Review, 87 (3), 363–382.
Hanushek, E. A. (2012, December). Do better schools lead to more growth? Cognitive skills, economic outcomes, and causation. Journal of Economic Growth, 17 (4), 267–321.
Hanushek, E. A., & Woessmann, L. (2012). The Economic Benefit of Educational Reform in the European Union. CESifo Economic Studies, 58 (1), 73–109.
Heckman, J. (1998). What should be our human capital investment policy? Fiscal Studies, 19, 103–119.
Hudec, O. (2007) Štatistické metódy v ekonomických vedách. Košice: Elfa, 2007. sk Kačírková, M. (1998.) Regionálne pohľady na nezamestnanosť na Slovensku vo vzťahu k podnikateľským aktivitám a úrovni vzdelania. Ekonomický časopis, 46, 280–292.
Kucharčíková, A. (2015, April 22). Human Capital Management – Aspect of the Human Capital Efficiency in University Education. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 177, 48–60.
Lee, J., Ihm, J., & Ryu, D. (2017, May). Human capital measures and stock return predictability: Macroeconomic versus microeconomic approaches. Finance Research Letters, 21, 53–56.
Lisý, J. (2007). Ekonómia v novej ekonomike. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer (Iura Edition).
Mazouch, P., & Fischer, J. (2011). Lidský kapitál: měření, souvislosti, prognózy. Praha: C. H. Beck.
Michael, R. (1975). Education and Consumption: Education, income, and human behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
Mincer, J. (1958, August). Investment in Human Capital and Personal Income Distribution.
Journal of Political Economy, 66 (4), The University of Chicago Press, 281–302.
Mincer, J. (1994). Studies in Human Capital. Columbia: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Onkelinx, J., Manolova, T. S., & Edelman, L. F. (2016) The human factor: Investments in employee human capital, productivity, and SME internationalization. Journal of International Management, 22 (4), 351–364.
Palaščáková, D., Koľveková, G., & Palaščáková, L. (2018). Integration processes and cooperation of the European Union countries in the scope of education and training policy. 4th International Scientific Conference on European Integration 2018 (ICEI 2018), 17th – 18th May 2018, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 1139–1146.
Pelinescu, E. (2015). The Impact of Human Capital on Economic Growth. Procedia Economics and Finance, 22, 184–190.
Smith, A. (2008). An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.