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At the current stage of economic and social development, no resources, including knowledge and information, are capable of providing competitive advantages for a long time. Nowadays, success in the global competition between individual companies, regions or even countries depends on the quality of and the ability to create new knowledge and, based on it, engage in the development of new technologies and new products. The key role in creating the triangle of knowledge (education-research-innovation) will belong to universities and research institutes, which should be catalysts of most innovation processes and, ultimately, generators of benefits and well-being. However, the social factors of the quality of working life of young scientists are of no less importance in these processes. The article analyses modern approaches to understanding the essence and role of the concept of the quality of working life and the influence of social factors on it. The purpose of the paper is to determine the influence of social factors on the quality of working life of young scientists in Ukraine and to find mechanisms for its development, taking into account foreign experience. Indicators of the objective assessment of the quality of working life of young specialists in the scientific and educational sphere are shown. Directions for the development and implementation of measures to improve the quality of working life are proposed.

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Jak cytować
Kyryliuk, V., & Ryabokon, I. . (2022). Social factors of young researchers’ quality of working life formation. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 65(3).


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