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The purpose of the paper is to determine the role of the phenomenon of algorithmic discrimination in the processes of implementing smart technologies in HR, particularly in the context of sustainable management. To accomplish this task, the author conducted a scoping review of the literature. The study indicated a significant role of the described phenomenon in shaping employee opinions about artificial intelligence and emphasised the importance of sustainable people management in its utilisation. The research results call for deeper reflection on how to assess the performance of artificial intelligence and highlight that attempting to replicate human abilities in machines not only offers new possibilities but also carries the risk of perpetuating human imperfections. The limitations of the study arise from the small number of available empirical studies in this area. The article helps to understand the essence of artificial intelligence and contributes to filling the knowledge gap regarding methods of managing people in the process of implementing smart technologies.

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Jak cytować
Wójcik, M. (2024). Algorithmic discrimination in the era of artificial intelligence: challenges of sustainable human resource management. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 69(3).


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