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The article presents the professional lives work researchers who, despite geographical diversity and the varied education system at different universities, present a fairly consistent perception of work-life balance (WLB). WLB at universities is not widely discussed or researched, making this study particularly significant The aim of the study was to assess the level of WLB among academic teachers. Data were collected by analysing documentation at universities and conducting an online survey among university employees. A total of 582 respondents completed the survey. Although job satisfaction was reported, researchers pointed out a lack of balance between professional and personal life. The study was limited to academic staff, excluding administrative staff. Expanding the research to other universities could help determine if the results are applicable to the entire scientific community. The article is empirical in nature.

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Antoniuk-Gula, M., Kuźniarska, A., & Rosiński, J. (2024). Work-life balance in higher education institutions - a case study of European universities. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 69(3).


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