Zgony możliwe do uniknięcia – opis koncepcji oraz wyniki analizy dla Polski
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The study is divided into theoretical end empirical part. First part presents the concept of avoidable mortality (Rutstein et al. 1976) including its further development and modifications. The objective of the second part is to examine the potential impact in medical care on changing population health in Poland from 1999 to 2008. We used the concept of avoidable mortality divided into three groups: treatable disease, preventable diseases and ischemic heart disease (Newey et al. 2004). We calculated the contribution of changes in mortality from these conditions to changes in life expectancy. The analyses were based on temporary life expectancy between birth and age 75 (e0-75). Chiang’s method was used for constructing abridged life tables, and Arriaga’s method was used for decomposition. Mortality data were obtained from the WHO mortality files using IC D-10th revision (WHO 2011).
The findings indicate that changes in the health care system were associated with improvements in life expectancy, between birth and age 75, in Poland. The avoidable mortality decreased considerably from 1999 to 2008, especially due to causes avoidable through improved treatment and medical care (amenable). Although the improvement there is still potential for further progress in avoidable deaths in Poland.
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