Współczesne problemy oraz wyzwania w zakresie utrzymania stabilności bezpieczeństwa systemu finansowego

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Agnieszka Alińska
Bogusław Pietrzak
Katarzyna Wasiak


Although important changes were introduced to the financial system after the recent financial crisis, there still is room for improvement in terms of stability and safety. The aim of the article is to describe those improvements, particularly in operations of central and commercial banks, and their influence on sustainable growth. The text lists systematic conditions of stability and safety of banking system and points out to the importance of trust in financial institutions, systematic risk, macroprudential policy and the need to coordinate macroprudential, microprudential and monetary policies


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Alińska, A., Pietrzak, B., & Wasiak, K. (2015). Współczesne problemy oraz wyzwania w zakresie utrzymania stabilności bezpieczeństwa systemu finansowego. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (2), 29–50.


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