Współczesna globalizacja: przebieg, czynniki i oznaki metamorfozy procesu

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Anna Zorska


The article aims at an analysis of changes in development of globalization which took place during the 2007-2008 crisis and the following years of the economic slowdown. The analysis is conducted against the background of the situation in the world economy and includes investigation of changes (dynamics and structures) in global flows of merchandise, exports of services and foreign direct investments. The structural transformation of global flows indicates the increasing share and role of China in the world economy. The significance of transnational corporations in the globalization process calls for portraying the evolution of their activity and relations with nation states and other groups of economic actors. Attention is drawn to changes in the set and forces of key globalization factors, including technological progress (in the age of information revolution), economic, social and demographic as well as political factors. The increasing impacts of evolving States' policies and socio-demographic situation on trends in the global economy are acknowledged. The transformation of globalization factors considerably affects the development and evolution (or metamorphosis) of the investigated process. Six signs of the initiated metamorphosis of globalization, which indicate possible intensification and direction of changes in the futurę development of the process, are discussed


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Zorska, A. (2017). Współczesna globalizacja: przebieg, czynniki i oznaki metamorfozy procesu. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (4), 49–96.


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