Elimination of Double Taxation of Fees for Technical Services in Bilateral Tax Treaties Concluded by Poland
Słowa kluczowe:
fees for technical services, royalties, elimination of double taxation, withholding tax, OECD Model Convention, UN Model Convention, bilateral tax treaties, Polish treaty practiceAbstrakt
This paper deals with the Polish treaty practice in the field of elimination of double taxation of fees for technical services in the context of Article 12A of the UN Model as amended in 2017. An analysis of the solutions present in bilateral tax treaties concluded by Poland both before and after 2017 with the countries currently referred to as the countries of the so-called Global South allows us to put forward a thesis that a separate model solution to the issue of fees for technical services is needed. The considerations contained in the article show that Article 12A of the UN Model, which regulates this issue, if it becomes a permanent element of Polish treaty practice, may contribute to solving some of the problems that arise in the context of the classification of this category of income. It may also contribute to the unification of Polish treaty practice in this area.
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