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Nowadays, innovation is perhaps the most widely spoken global keyword in the field of economy. Everyone talks about innovation and the European Union already for more than a decade, has wanted through innovation to catch up with and take the leading position in the world. However, what is the reality? Europe still has difficulties with the pace of economic growth, which according to many is joined combined with innovation and knowledge. Asian countries often set a price of an innovated product of poor quality and with no added value that includes huge cost of efficient marketing and aggressive advertising. Therefore, is innovation everything what is called this way? Though the world controls the speed and acceleration of changes, it does not mean necessarily an advantage or positive effects. And evolution of a star in a supernova and then a black hole is in the final stages accelerated in an unusual way. The inspiration for our article was slanted to cheap using the word “innovation”, just because it is a European priority. We just drew from his knowledge and life experiences.

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Ponický, P. ., & Zamarský, V. . (2014). Innovation – Populist Slogan, Why?. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 33(3), 25–34.


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