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Knowledge, skills and talents of employees constitute a significant source of competi‑ tive advantage. The consequence of this paradigm is the conclusion that organizations attempting to increase the efficiency must take steps to improve employees’ qualifica‑ tions. Caring for the employee development, the enterprises aspire to creation of the best practices in this area. Over time, best practices are converging in all the companies performing in various cultures and countries. However, the dissimilarity of Polish condi‑ tions, instead of convergence, may cause divergence or cross‑vergence in the employee development. In the article, there were juxtaposed and compared the practices of the employees development in Polish and international companies operating in Poland. The aim of the comparison is to indicate the similarities, differences and trends in changes in employee development.

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Suchodolski , A. . (2014). Closer or Further? Comparison of Employee Development Trends in Polish and International Companies Operating in Poland. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 33(3), 99–118.


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