Treść głównego artykułu
Artykuł jest głosem w dyskusji nad wzajemnymi zależnościami pomiędzy patologicznym typem osobowości menedżera i kulturą organizacyjną. Autorzy w swoich rozważaniach skupiają się na psychopatii, narcyzmie i osobowości histrionicznej oraz ich wpływie na kapitał ludzki w organizacji. Opisano typy kultur organizacyjnych powstające w wyniku działania osobowości patologicznych oraz głębokie konsekwencje psychologiczne, które ponoszą członkowie organizacji funkcjonujący w toksycznym środowisku pracy. Analiza kończy się rekomendacjami badawczymi obejmującymi zarówno działania na polu studiów psychologicznych, jak i nauk o zarządzaniu.
Słowa kluczowe
Szczegóły artykułu
Autor (Autorzy) artykułu oświadcza, że przesłane opracowanie nie narusza praw autorskich osób trzecich. Wyraża zgodę na poddanie artykułu procedurze recenzji oraz dokonanie zmian redakcyjnych. Przenosi nieodpłatnie na Oficynę Wydawniczą SGH autorskie prawa majątkowe do utworu na polach eksploatacji wymienionych w art. 50 Ustawy z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych – pod warunkiem, że praca została zaakceptowana do publikacji i opublikowana.
Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH posiada autorskie prawa majątkowe do wszystkich treści czasopisma. Zamieszczenie tekstu artykuły w repozytorium, na stronie domowej autora lub na innej stronie jest dozwolone o ile nie wiąże się z pozyskiwaniem korzyści majątkowych, a tekst wyposażony będzie w informacje źródłowe (w tym również tytuł, rok, numer i adres internetowy czasopisma).
Osoby zainteresowane komercyjnym wykorzystaniem zawartości czasopisma proszone są o kontakt z Redakcją.
1. Babiak, P., Hare, R.D. (2006). Snakes in suits: When psychopaths go to work. New York: HarperCollins.
2. Babiak, P., Neumann, C.S., Hare, R.D. (2010). Corporate Psychopathy: Talking the Walk. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 28, 174–193.
3. Bernstein, A.J. (2014). Emocjonalne wampiry w pracy. Poznań: Dom Wydawniczy Rebis.
4. Board, B.J., Fritzon, K. (2005). Disordered personalities at work. Psychology, Crime & Work, 11(1), 17–32.
5. Boddy, C.R. (2014). Corporate Psychopaths, Conflict, Employee Affective Well-Being and Counterproductive Behaviour. Journal of Business Ethics, 121, 107–121.
6. Boddy, C.R. (2013). Corporate Psychopaths. Uncaring Citizens, Irresponsible Leaders. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 49, 8–16.
7. Boddy, C.R. (2013a). Corporate Psychopaths and organizational type. Journal of Public Affairs, 10, 300–312.
8. Boddy, C.R. (2011). The corporate psychopaths theory of the global financial crisis. Journal of Business Ethics, 102, 255–259.
9. Boddy, C.R. (2011a). Corporate psychopaths, bullying and unfair supervision in the workplace. Journal of Business Ethics, 100, 367–379.
10. Boddy, C.R. (2010). Corporate psychopaths and organizational type. Journal of Public Affairs, 10, 300–312.
11. Boddy, C.R., Ladyshewsky, R., Galvin, P. (2010). Leaders without ethics in global business: corporate psychopaths. Journal of Public Affairs, 10, 121–138.
12. Carson, R.C., Butcher, J.N., Mineka, S. (2003). Psychologia zaburzeń. T. 1. Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne.
13. Cooper, R.K. (2000). A new neuroscience of leadership: bringing out more of the best people. Strategy and Leadership, 28, 11–15.
14. Freedman, A.M., Kaplan, H.J., Sadock, B.J. (1975). Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins.
15. Hare, R.D. (1999). Without conscience: The disturbing world of the psychopaths among us. New York: Guilford.
16. Hare, R.D. (2006). Psychopaci są wśród nas. Kraków: Znak.
17. Hogan, R., Hogan, J. (2001). Assessing leadership: A view from the dark side. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 9, 40–51.
18. Hogan, R., Kaiser, R.B. (2005). What we know about leadership. Review of General Psychology, 9, 169–180.
19. Jones, M., Millar, C. (2008). Call for Papers. Special Issue on: Global Leadership, Global Ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 85(2), 107–108.
20. Kernberg, O. (1979). Regression in organizational leadership. Psychiatry, 42, 29–39.
21. Kets De Vries, F., Miller, D. (1986). Personality, Culture, and Organization. Academy of Management Review, 11(2), 266–279.
22. Ketola, T. (2006). From CR-psychopaths to responsible corporations: waking up the inner sleeping beauty of companies. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 13, 98–106.
23. Kirkman, C.A. (2002). Non-incarcerated psychopaths: why we need to know more about psychopaths who live among us. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, vol. 9, 155–160.
24. Mahler, M.S., Pine, F., Bergman, A. (1975). The psychological birth of the human infant. New York: Basic Books.
25. Mathieu, C., Neumann, C.S., Hare, R.D., Babiak, P. (2014). A dark side of leadership: Corporate psychopathy and its influence on employee well-being and job satisfaction. Personality and Individual Differences, 59, 83–88.
26. Miller, D., Friesen, P.H. (1984). Organizations: A quantum view. Englewood Cliffs, NY: Prentice-Hall.
27. Payne, R., Pugh, D.S. (1976). Organization structure and climate. In: M.D. Dunnette (Eds.), Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1125–1174.
28. Schendel, D., Hofer, C. (1979). Strategic management. Boston: Little, Brown.
29. Shapiro, D. (1965). Neurotic styles. New York: Basic Books.
30. Sosik, J.J., Godshalk, V.M. (2000). Leadership styles, mentoring functions received, and job-related stress: A conceptual model and preliminary study. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21, 365–390.
31. Tepper, B.J. (2000). Consequences of abusive supervision. Academy of Management Journal, 43, 178–190.
32. Thomas, D. (2012). Narcissism. Behind the mask. London: 4edge.
33. Treviso, L.K., Weaver, G.R., Reynolds, S.J. (2006). Behavioral ethics in organizations: A review. Journal of Management, 32(6), 951–990.
34. Vroom, V.H. (1960). Some personality determinants of the effects of participation. Englewood Cliffs, NY: Prentice-Hall.
35. Wright, T.A., Cropanzano, R., Bonett, D.G., Diamond, W.J. (2009). The role of employee psychological well-being in cardiovascular health: When the twain shall meet. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30(2), 193–208.
36. Zaleznik, A., Kets de Vries, M.F.R. (1975). Power and the corporate mind. Boston: Bonus Books.
2. Babiak, P., Neumann, C.S., Hare, R.D. (2010). Corporate Psychopathy: Talking the Walk. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 28, 174–193.
3. Bernstein, A.J. (2014). Emocjonalne wampiry w pracy. Poznań: Dom Wydawniczy Rebis.
4. Board, B.J., Fritzon, K. (2005). Disordered personalities at work. Psychology, Crime & Work, 11(1), 17–32.
5. Boddy, C.R. (2014). Corporate Psychopaths, Conflict, Employee Affective Well-Being and Counterproductive Behaviour. Journal of Business Ethics, 121, 107–121.
6. Boddy, C.R. (2013). Corporate Psychopaths. Uncaring Citizens, Irresponsible Leaders. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 49, 8–16.
7. Boddy, C.R. (2013a). Corporate Psychopaths and organizational type. Journal of Public Affairs, 10, 300–312.
8. Boddy, C.R. (2011). The corporate psychopaths theory of the global financial crisis. Journal of Business Ethics, 102, 255–259.
9. Boddy, C.R. (2011a). Corporate psychopaths, bullying and unfair supervision in the workplace. Journal of Business Ethics, 100, 367–379.
10. Boddy, C.R. (2010). Corporate psychopaths and organizational type. Journal of Public Affairs, 10, 300–312.
11. Boddy, C.R., Ladyshewsky, R., Galvin, P. (2010). Leaders without ethics in global business: corporate psychopaths. Journal of Public Affairs, 10, 121–138.
12. Carson, R.C., Butcher, J.N., Mineka, S. (2003). Psychologia zaburzeń. T. 1. Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne.
13. Cooper, R.K. (2000). A new neuroscience of leadership: bringing out more of the best people. Strategy and Leadership, 28, 11–15.
14. Freedman, A.M., Kaplan, H.J., Sadock, B.J. (1975). Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins.
15. Hare, R.D. (1999). Without conscience: The disturbing world of the psychopaths among us. New York: Guilford.
16. Hare, R.D. (2006). Psychopaci są wśród nas. Kraków: Znak.
17. Hogan, R., Hogan, J. (2001). Assessing leadership: A view from the dark side. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 9, 40–51.
18. Hogan, R., Kaiser, R.B. (2005). What we know about leadership. Review of General Psychology, 9, 169–180.
19. Jones, M., Millar, C. (2008). Call for Papers. Special Issue on: Global Leadership, Global Ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 85(2), 107–108.
20. Kernberg, O. (1979). Regression in organizational leadership. Psychiatry, 42, 29–39.
21. Kets De Vries, F., Miller, D. (1986). Personality, Culture, and Organization. Academy of Management Review, 11(2), 266–279.
22. Ketola, T. (2006). From CR-psychopaths to responsible corporations: waking up the inner sleeping beauty of companies. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 13, 98–106.
23. Kirkman, C.A. (2002). Non-incarcerated psychopaths: why we need to know more about psychopaths who live among us. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, vol. 9, 155–160.
24. Mahler, M.S., Pine, F., Bergman, A. (1975). The psychological birth of the human infant. New York: Basic Books.
25. Mathieu, C., Neumann, C.S., Hare, R.D., Babiak, P. (2014). A dark side of leadership: Corporate psychopathy and its influence on employee well-being and job satisfaction. Personality and Individual Differences, 59, 83–88.
26. Miller, D., Friesen, P.H. (1984). Organizations: A quantum view. Englewood Cliffs, NY: Prentice-Hall.
27. Payne, R., Pugh, D.S. (1976). Organization structure and climate. In: M.D. Dunnette (Eds.), Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1125–1174.
28. Schendel, D., Hofer, C. (1979). Strategic management. Boston: Little, Brown.
29. Shapiro, D. (1965). Neurotic styles. New York: Basic Books.
30. Sosik, J.J., Godshalk, V.M. (2000). Leadership styles, mentoring functions received, and job-related stress: A conceptual model and preliminary study. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21, 365–390.
31. Tepper, B.J. (2000). Consequences of abusive supervision. Academy of Management Journal, 43, 178–190.
32. Thomas, D. (2012). Narcissism. Behind the mask. London: 4edge.
33. Treviso, L.K., Weaver, G.R., Reynolds, S.J. (2006). Behavioral ethics in organizations: A review. Journal of Management, 32(6), 951–990.
34. Vroom, V.H. (1960). Some personality determinants of the effects of participation. Englewood Cliffs, NY: Prentice-Hall.
35. Wright, T.A., Cropanzano, R., Bonett, D.G., Diamond, W.J. (2009). The role of employee psychological well-being in cardiovascular health: When the twain shall meet. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30(2), 193–208.
36. Zaleznik, A., Kets de Vries, M.F.R. (1975). Power and the corporate mind. Boston: Bonus Books.