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The article is the result of the desk research on time spent by Polish people at work and the different kinds of out-of-work activities undertaken by them. The author’s deliberations follow the philosophy of balancing employee needs and promoting work-life balance. The paper includes promotion of the idea of the harmonious growth in all areas of an individual’s functioning and activity, as well as the satisfaction of his/her physical and psychological needs. The purpose of the study was to analyse the interactions between work and out-of-work activity in the context of the mutual enrichment of work and personal life. As results from the conducted analyses, the practical implementation of the work-life enrichment idea into organizational behaviours could guarantee high quality of life with no harm to the society, environment or economy.

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Mikołajczyk, K. (2020). Work-Life Enrichment as an Important Element of Sustainable Human Capital Development. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 56(2).


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