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The objective of this paper is to verify the attitudes and motivations of young people in the context of their preferences for choosing a future employer, with a particular focus on the role of ecology, Green Human Resource Management, and sustainability practices implemented by companies, including possible differences due to the country of origin factor. Specifically, the article explores international students’ perceptions of sustainable development practices when choosing a job. The article is based on qualitative research – interviews conducted by the author with international students representing 11 different countries. The article is empirical, and the results of the conducted study can provide a basis for making informed decisions on HR practices and development strategies that consider cultural diversity and sustainability values in recruiting and retaining future young employees.

Słowa kluczowe

wip Green HRM Sustainable development career choices diverse cultural students

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Litwinek, J. (2024). Exploring The Role of Green HR and Sustainable Practices in Initial Career Choices from an International Student’s Perspective. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 71(1).


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