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The use of artificial intelligence technology in recruitment and selection procedures has become commonplace in business practice. As a result, there has been a significant increase in research on AI recruitment in recent years. However, these studies focus primarily on the considerations of skills and the effectiveness of AI tools. Only recently have analyses emerged presenting these procedures from an ethical perspective. The purpose of the article is to fill this gap and explore the opinions of both HR professionals and employees themselves regarding the use of artificial intelligence-based recruitment solutions. The article contains a systematic review of the literature and the results of a qualitative pilot study. The interview study was conducted in one organisation with the participation of four managers.

Widely accepted assumptions about the objectivity of learning algorithms contribute to a seemingly positive image of AI-powered recruitment among practitioners, but the research conducted showed a number of ethical concerns raised by managers regarding AI recruitment requirements. The contrast between this positive image and the ethical concerns raised by critics of AI recruitment requires an assessment necessary to gain a more scientifically grounded perspective on the ethical status of AI recruitment.

Słowa kluczowe

wip HRM artificial intelligence (AI) recruitment ethics

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Stuss, M., & Fularski, A. (2024). Ethical considerations of using artificial intelligence (AI) in recruitment processes. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 71(1).


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