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This paper explores the effectiveness of the Shortened Working Week (SWW) as a mechanism for advancing Sustainable Human Resource Management (SHRM). It begins by reviewing various SWW models implemented in pilot studies across the UK, Sweden, Japan, and the US. Next, the paper employs the Triple Bottom Line theoretical framework to assess the impact of SWW on SHRM. Furthermore, it presents empirical data from a survey of 1,000 white-collar employees in Polish organisations, examining their attitudes towards SWW. The findings suggest that a reduction in work hours can positively influence the social, economic, and environmental pillars of SHRM. Considering the varied preferences for SWW based on factors such as gender, family status, and company size, the paper recommends that managers consider flexible scheduling alternatives to the conventional Free Fridays model.

Słowa kluczowe

wip sustainable HR shortened working week 4-day week flexible work work-life balance

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Jak cytować
Kotłowska, A. (2024). Promoting a Sustainable Workplace with the “Shortened Working Week” (SWW): Empirical Insights from 1,000 White-Collar Workers in Poland. Edukacja Ekonomistów I Menedżerów, 71(1).


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